Attention Truebit Community: Moving off Goerli 

Attention Truebit Community: Moving off Goerli 

As Truebit developers, we’re constantly optimizing our platform and delivering the best user experience possible. This includes staying ahead of upcoming Ethereum updates and their potential impact on your workflow.

The Ethereum Foundation announced the deprecation of the Goerli testnet in January 2023, and has stated its intention to wind Goerli down in the coming months. As part of the wind-down plan, a major update to Goerli (the “Dencun” release) is scheduled for January 17, 2024. 

While we do not have any dependencies on Goerli, it has provided a useful environment for testing Truebit on Ethereum installations. Given the disruption that may be caused during the Dencun update and the pending decommissioning of the network, we believe that now is a good time to migrate off of Goerli. 

Updated Truebit on Ethereum Getting Started Guide

In light of this, we have updated the Truebit on Ethereum Getting Started Guide with new recommendations on setting up a test environment using a local fork through Ganache. We understand that adjusting your workflow might require some effort, but believe this switch to local fork testing with Ganache offers the best way to navigate the sunset of Goerli.

To migrate to a local fork for testing, please follow the step-by-step guide outlined in our docs, available at

Here’s a simplified breakdown:

  1. Install Ganache and sign up on Infura to get an API key. You’ll find these steps in the prerequisites section of the guide.
  2. Next, use Ganache to create a fork of the Ethereum mainnet. This step is detailed under the “Synchronize the Ethereum node” section.
  3. Finally, connect TruebitOS to your local fork created with Ganache. Follow the instructions provided in the “Start Truebit on Ethereum” section.

Truebit on Ethereum is the ground-breaking offchain verification protocol designed for use with Ethereum smart contracts. Truebit will continue to provide support for Truebit on Ethereum during the early access program for Truebit Verify, our next-generation platform.

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